Sunday Morning Gaze
Sunday Morning Gaze

2019. Charcoal and graphite on paper. 48” x 96”

Jack, The Jackalope: Detail from The Echo Remains
Jack, The Jackalope: Detail from The Echo Remains

2015. Oil on canvas. 24" x 30"

Kaili's New Friend
Kaili's New Friend

2015. Watercolor. 9" x 12"

Passing through the MTA
Passing through the MTA

2017. Oil and graphite on masonite. 12" x 16"

Sunday Morning Gaze
Jack, The Jackalope: Detail from The Echo Remains
Kaili's New Friend
Passing through the MTA
Sunday Morning Gaze

2019. Charcoal and graphite on paper. 48” x 96”

Jack, The Jackalope: Detail from The Echo Remains

2015. Oil on canvas. 24" x 30"

Kaili's New Friend

2015. Watercolor. 9" x 12"

Passing through the MTA

2017. Oil and graphite on masonite. 12" x 16"

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